Thursday, June 13, 2013

As You Like It

In his play As You Like It, Shakespeare writes a monologue in which two lines are well-known by the world:
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

Today, this came to mind and I took the metaphor to heart.  Day in and day out, I work with people in my peer group who become complacent in the roles they are in.  Yet, they do nothing to propel themselves or change their destiny.  For example, if you are not happy in your job, why are you not looking into how you can become happy or change positions?

I too was complacent at one point.  I found it too difficult to work towards changing things that don't ever seem to stay changed.  I finally decided to put my head down and accept the hardships as things not meant for me.  I read a wonderful picture recently which referred to Abraham Lincoln.  One of the most memorable presidents who had ran for political office repeatedly and failed every time until he was elected President of the United States.

We learn a lot through our failures.  We learn what no to do, but more importantly, we learn to persevere.  Today, I thought of a way to add on to the words of Mr. Shakespeare: In this case, our decisions are our props.  Only good actors know how to effectively use them.  We are all given choices in life.  If we do not work to make choices that will benefit us or accept the bad decisions we have made, we cannot change our path.

Another short one but one does not need to be long winded to express a point.  Embrace life, its successes and failures, its rights and wrongs.  More importantly, remember to not give up on the journey because that's the most exciting part.  Don't miss the ride or the destination won't mean as much.

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