Boy, sometimes life just takes over! No time to eat, barely time to enjoy your loved ones and never any time to sleep! That's right, I work third shift now! This has left me with completely changing my life to accommodate my schedule. My husband has been so loving and forgiving of this that I owe it all to him. Plus, lots of other things moving and shaking in my life!
1. One of my sisters is getting married in September and I am the matron of honor...AH! Too scary
2. That same sister just graduated from college and is officially a RDH (congrats, Leener!)
3. I am writing, as always, and just recently wrote a short story based on our Little Man-hopefully more to come!
And finally....
4. I am working on my business, Made by LJ. You can find my Facebook page at and see what I make! I also make Deco Wreaths and boy, are they cute!
Well, it is a short entry for today but as always, keep rocking out in a thing called, "La Vie."
Join me on my journey through, "La Vie," and all its intricate twists and turns.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Like VS Love
How do you define the difference of the above terms? I have often heard people say "I will always Love you but I may not always Like you." What does this mean when someone says this? And which one can be more hurtful, more detrimental to us as human beings?
Let us first examine the difference of the two terms. When you Like someone, it can be platonic or something pedestrian. Like can be when you see someone from across the room or between friends. When you Love someone, it tends to run deeper and can be unconditional in terms of how parents may Love a child. Love can also cause us to forgive and embrace things about those ones we Love that we may not appreciate in those people that we Like.
See the difference?
I can Love my sisters unconditionally and Love them through anything they go through and support them. But there are times that they can make me mad and make me not Like them or the things they are doing, rather. But I can never say I stop Loving them. The same goes for those individuals who may have to watch someone they Love go through rehab or a painful experience. In this instance, they not so much disLike the person, but more the thing that is taking the person they Love away.
But which can be more painful?
I was thinking about this tonight. I began to contemplate asking my husband this questions:
Then again, if he were to tell me that he only Loves me "some of the time," this would almost hurt as much. It would lead me to believe that while he Likes being with me and around me, he does not see it as unconditional at that point in time. Almost like having that awkward conversation at the beginning of the relationship (teenager asking, "Why do not tell me you Love me?").
My husband and I just discussed this and he said, "To Love and be Loved is a blessing." Such a blessing it is. As Christians, we are taught that God Loves us unconditionally, that no matter the turns from Him we may make, He will always pick us up from the pile we create and help us back to the path. Much like the story of the prodigal son. This young man took his share of his father's inheritance and squandered it on pleasures of the flesh, food, wine, gambling, etc. He was left to lie with the pigs, thinking about how his father's servants were treated better and at least in a warm room. He decides to return home and beg forgiveness of his father and to be a servant in his house. But his father, seeing him, rejoices in his return and orders a large celebration. Seeing his younger brother being lavished over, the older brother asks his father why. His father immediately explained that his son had returned to life for he once was dead.
Such is the love of God. We can run away from everything we know, everything we raised up with. But we cannot run away from the Love He holds for us. And each time we come back and request to be a servant in His household, He holds a party for the child He though was dead has returned to life. And it is the children like that who needs the Love more than most.
If you had to choose a difference between the two, which would you rather be told? That you are Liked or you are Loved? Just some food for thought in this thing called, "La Vie."
Let us first examine the difference of the two terms. When you Like someone, it can be platonic or something pedestrian. Like can be when you see someone from across the room or between friends. When you Love someone, it tends to run deeper and can be unconditional in terms of how parents may Love a child. Love can also cause us to forgive and embrace things about those ones we Love that we may not appreciate in those people that we Like.
See the difference?
I can Love my sisters unconditionally and Love them through anything they go through and support them. But there are times that they can make me mad and make me not Like them or the things they are doing, rather. But I can never say I stop Loving them. The same goes for those individuals who may have to watch someone they Love go through rehab or a painful experience. In this instance, they not so much disLike the person, but more the thing that is taking the person they Love away.
But which can be more painful?
I was thinking about this tonight. I began to contemplate asking my husband this questions:
"Do you Like me?"
With thinking about this question, I began to roll into my mind what my reaction may be to any response he could pose to me. If he told me he didn't Like me, he Loves me, I would have to clarify my question. If he were to tell me that he Loves me always but not always Likes me, it kind of stings. This is someone who is my friend and partner for life. Who wants to hear that their best friend only Likes us, "some of the time?"Then again, if he were to tell me that he only Loves me "some of the time," this would almost hurt as much. It would lead me to believe that while he Likes being with me and around me, he does not see it as unconditional at that point in time. Almost like having that awkward conversation at the beginning of the relationship (teenager asking, "Why do not tell me you Love me?").
My husband and I just discussed this and he said, "To Love and be Loved is a blessing." Such a blessing it is. As Christians, we are taught that God Loves us unconditionally, that no matter the turns from Him we may make, He will always pick us up from the pile we create and help us back to the path. Much like the story of the prodigal son. This young man took his share of his father's inheritance and squandered it on pleasures of the flesh, food, wine, gambling, etc. He was left to lie with the pigs, thinking about how his father's servants were treated better and at least in a warm room. He decides to return home and beg forgiveness of his father and to be a servant in his house. But his father, seeing him, rejoices in his return and orders a large celebration. Seeing his younger brother being lavished over, the older brother asks his father why. His father immediately explained that his son had returned to life for he once was dead.
Such is the love of God. We can run away from everything we know, everything we raised up with. But we cannot run away from the Love He holds for us. And each time we come back and request to be a servant in His household, He holds a party for the child He though was dead has returned to life. And it is the children like that who needs the Love more than most.
If you had to choose a difference between the two, which would you rather be told? That you are Liked or you are Loved? Just some food for thought in this thing called, "La Vie."
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Hot Tea and Cold Snow
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My cup of tea steeping in front of a snowy window |
Me, I woke up to my chest hurting and a rattle. My cough is settling in. It skipped past the runny nose and congestion and went straight for the ringer: the chest. I stayed in bed longer than yesterday as I was not going to be walking today. When I did get up, I did some dishes (and counted them as exercise) and prepared for work. I settled in with a hot cup of Irish breakfast tea and chocolate chip muffins. And yes, I still have calories left for the day!
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Yummy muffins |
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One of my fluffy puppies, Fionna |
But for the time being, I will enjoy the few hours I have left. I still have to get ready for work and do all the prep work. Lunch is already packed. I am going to place a heating pack on my neck and continue watching TV for now. Enjoying life one day at a time, one puppy kiss at a time and one loving look from my husband at a time. Until next time, I hope you enjoy this thing called La Vie.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Overcome Hills in Life
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My Molly girl |
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My Nemesis....dum dum daaaaah |
How many things do we come across in life that we feel intimidated by? Perhaps we do not even want to try the thing that intimidates us due to fearing failure. However, we cannot go through life avoiding things we do not want to face. And when we do face them, perhaps we do not have to take it all at once. Perhaps there is a side road we can take at first until we are ready to conquer the entire hill. Conquering this things in life should be treated similarly to running a marathon: you shouldn't expect to wake up one morning, having never gone running and expecting to win the entire race. We have to exercise ourselves and our abilities, taking small things to start and building to the biggest obstacle we face. That is my plan: start on the beginning of the hill until I am strong enough to take the whole hill at once.
But it is reward enough. To come home and look up at the clock and see that at 8:30 AM, though tired, I have already gone walking, taken a shower and preparing a breakfast is its own reward. This time last week, I would have just woken up and lazed in my pajamas until about 10. And breakfast was good this morning: honey-wheat toast with hazelnut spread, grits with cheese and tea with milk and sugar. Lunch is packed and I am just writing/talking with you all.
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Yummy! |
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Myfitnesspal |
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Back and Heart Pain
What a day! My poor husband pulled something in his back yesterday and woke up very early this morning in agony. I felt so bad. 5:30 AM and rubbing icy hot cream on his poor side, handing him some pain relief. Unfortunately, I awoke again to him telling me he never got back to sleep. We didn't go to church due to his pain but we worshiped in our own way.
We also went to Roanoke today to visit with my husband's family. We started our trip with a little ray of sunshine: my husband's goddaughter and her family. Her parents are amazing and she is our little ray of Sunshine. Just like our Little Man, Sunshine means everything to us. She can bring a smile to our faces and I love watching her mother light up. I hope we don't stay too far from Sunshine for too long. I hope to see her more regularly.
We then had dinner with my in-law family. My sister-in-law and her husband recently revealed that the will be moving to Ohio and taking my two little nieces with them. As you can probably imagine, this is a hard hit to the family particularly so since they have lived in close proximity to the family unit for the majority of their marriage. Tonight definitely had its moments but it had its laughter, tears and pain.
More than likely, the most valuable thing I learned today, though, was on the way home. We were near our home and deep in conversation when suddenly, I see two deer start to move into the road. I slam on the brakes, my husband bracing himself for impending impact while I hope my brakes take. We stop just in time, only for me to turn and, in my state of anxiety, say some harsh words to my husband. After some moments of silence, I turned and very quietly apologized. I explained that although I knew he was startled by the moment that his explanations did not help me when I was trying to maintain a calm demeanor. But then again, why do I always have to be calm?
The ocean is always seen as the epitome of soothing and calm nature and disposition. But even the ocean can become rocky and unpleasant to see. While it does not need to define me, I can't continue to hide my emotions for the sake of those around me. Even the calm Laura has emotions outside of joy. I let a little of that lose on Friday at work (not outwardly lashing but by demeanor).
A few notes in closing: Little Man, we miss you immensely. I know you are really enjoying your time with the Doctor but you need to know that your daddy and stepmom really love and miss you. We hold an open door for you at all times in our home and our hearts. Please know we are always there for you.
Sunshine, you and your parents are welcomed friends and family to us. It was so lovely to see you all and I hope we get to see you again very soon.
In-Laws: Thank you for such a lovely evening. Though it may have been laden with some sadness and a knowing of what is to come in a few short weeks, it was still sweet to share the time we have together as we did.
My husband: You do more for me than you may ever realize and know. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to share each and every day with you...including tomorrow morning's walk
But as for tonight....Hazelnut spread on toast!! And enjoying this thing called "La Vie."
We also went to Roanoke today to visit with my husband's family. We started our trip with a little ray of sunshine: my husband's goddaughter and her family. Her parents are amazing and she is our little ray of Sunshine. Just like our Little Man, Sunshine means everything to us. She can bring a smile to our faces and I love watching her mother light up. I hope we don't stay too far from Sunshine for too long. I hope to see her more regularly.
We then had dinner with my in-law family. My sister-in-law and her husband recently revealed that the will be moving to Ohio and taking my two little nieces with them. As you can probably imagine, this is a hard hit to the family particularly so since they have lived in close proximity to the family unit for the majority of their marriage. Tonight definitely had its moments but it had its laughter, tears and pain.
More than likely, the most valuable thing I learned today, though, was on the way home. We were near our home and deep in conversation when suddenly, I see two deer start to move into the road. I slam on the brakes, my husband bracing himself for impending impact while I hope my brakes take. We stop just in time, only for me to turn and, in my state of anxiety, say some harsh words to my husband. After some moments of silence, I turned and very quietly apologized. I explained that although I knew he was startled by the moment that his explanations did not help me when I was trying to maintain a calm demeanor. But then again, why do I always have to be calm?
The ocean is always seen as the epitome of soothing and calm nature and disposition. But even the ocean can become rocky and unpleasant to see. While it does not need to define me, I can't continue to hide my emotions for the sake of those around me. Even the calm Laura has emotions outside of joy. I let a little of that lose on Friday at work (not outwardly lashing but by demeanor).
A few notes in closing: Little Man, we miss you immensely. I know you are really enjoying your time with the Doctor but you need to know that your daddy and stepmom really love and miss you. We hold an open door for you at all times in our home and our hearts. Please know we are always there for you.
Sunshine, you and your parents are welcomed friends and family to us. It was so lovely to see you all and I hope we get to see you again very soon.
In-Laws: Thank you for such a lovely evening. Though it may have been laden with some sadness and a knowing of what is to come in a few short weeks, it was still sweet to share the time we have together as we did.
My husband: You do more for me than you may ever realize and know. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to share each and every day with you...including tomorrow morning's walk
But as for tonight....Hazelnut spread on toast!! And enjoying this thing called "La Vie."
Saturday, January 25, 2014
So Much to Reach for....
Here I sit, on a Saturday night, my husband stretched out beside me. May seem like a low key Saturday night but that is exactly what I enjoy after the work week. Next week starts a 10 day week for me followed by a 4 day weekend. I am still on second shift. One can only imagine how weary I might become in time.
So, my lifestyle has come into reflection recently. I thought about how in my long mornings, I laze about not being productive but then I end up feeling bad about myself and not fulfilled. I am perpetuating my own issues. I realized I had yet to set some New Years Resolutions so even it is almost a month late, here we go:
1) Counting Calories/Lifestyle change-In my final two years of college, I lost a great amount of weight simply by counting calories and working out. As you probably can imagine, with my hectic schedule and odd hours, I have quickly fallen away from what I felt good about. So, time to be back on track! This means monitoring my meals and what I intake. But this is a two-fold process-
2) Working and Walking it Out-While I may not have access to a gym, I have a steep hill in my backyard and a few blocks I can walk. If I get up earlier than I have been, I need to bring myself to find the willpower to force myself from bed and walking. Of course, the dogs would be coming with me.
3) Creative focus-As you can probably judge from my past posts, I have a LOT of projects in the works. I am trying to start a business of sorts, I am in the process of writing a book etc, etc, etc. So I can't overwhelm myself thinking of everything at once. The remedy: one thing at a time. So focusing one a chapter each week and trying to capture all my ideas and then moving to the next one.
So that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, and not forgetting you out there in cyber space. I know I have gotten away from you all but one of my goals would include becoming consistent again with this blog. I hope everyone is having a great new year and may 2014 treat all of you well in this thing called, "La Vie."
So, my lifestyle has come into reflection recently. I thought about how in my long mornings, I laze about not being productive but then I end up feeling bad about myself and not fulfilled. I am perpetuating my own issues. I realized I had yet to set some New Years Resolutions so even it is almost a month late, here we go:
1) Counting Calories/Lifestyle change-In my final two years of college, I lost a great amount of weight simply by counting calories and working out. As you probably can imagine, with my hectic schedule and odd hours, I have quickly fallen away from what I felt good about. So, time to be back on track! This means monitoring my meals and what I intake. But this is a two-fold process-
2) Working and Walking it Out-While I may not have access to a gym, I have a steep hill in my backyard and a few blocks I can walk. If I get up earlier than I have been, I need to bring myself to find the willpower to force myself from bed and walking. Of course, the dogs would be coming with me.
3) Creative focus-As you can probably judge from my past posts, I have a LOT of projects in the works. I am trying to start a business of sorts, I am in the process of writing a book etc, etc, etc. So I can't overwhelm myself thinking of everything at once. The remedy: one thing at a time. So focusing one a chapter each week and trying to capture all my ideas and then moving to the next one.
So that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, and not forgetting you out there in cyber space. I know I have gotten away from you all but one of my goals would include becoming consistent again with this blog. I hope everyone is having a great new year and may 2014 treat all of you well in this thing called, "La Vie."
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