A few days ago, I wrote about a dream I had. I described it in as much detail as I was able to remember. I also shared what my fiancé, who has a calling to the ministry, thought the dream meant. In case you have forgotten and do not want to look back on an old post, the gist of it was this: I had come across an insurmountable hill on my bicycle and started sliding backwards. Suddenly, it felt as though a hand was pushing me, without any assistance from my own pedaling. I found myself on top of a beautiful mountain, a place where no one else could ever reach. My fiancé shared with me that he felt it was God's way of telling me that He would always help me overcome, no matter what lies in my wake.
Yesterday afternoon, while I was on my way home from work, I began to think about my faith, God and the seemingly insurmountable objects I had conquered. And a specific time came to mind.
I moved to Virginia on November 30th, 2012 and began work at my place place of employment on the 3rd of December, 2012. This is officially my first time ever moving out of my parents' home (not counting college, naturally) and my first time ever living with a boyfriend. Work was progressing nicely and I was getting positive feedback all around from co-workers and clients alike. Approximately 2-3 weeks into my new job, something happened that scared me. This is about mid-December. I work alternating weeks. One week, I will work 9-6 (early), next week, I will work 12- 9 (late), and I work every Wednesday late. It was a week I was working the late shift and I was coming home. I was on the phone with my then-boyfriend, now fiancé, talking about my day. I was driving in the right lane. Suddenly, out of no where, a deer came darting from left to right and a collision occurred.
The deer got away but I felt as though the breath was stolen from my chest. My poor fiancé was on the phone, the line quiet, possibly only hearing the heavy breathing being exhaled from my tightened chest. He began to panic, I heard the concern in his voice. I pulled over, I got out, still on the phone, and I walked around my car.
The damage seemed cosmetic. It was still functioning, just not pretty. I got home and fiancé came out and looked over the car. The only thing left to prove the existence of the deer was the fur it left, caught in the buckled hood of my first car. We took pictures, I wrote my insurance agent and the recovery process began.
As soon as I got the go ahead to take it into a shop, I did. They immediately put me into a rental car, saying the car was illegal to drive with the broken headlight (the lamp itself was still operational). A few days later, I was told my car was a total loss. The repairs would be too much to warrant the repair. It was more than cosmetic. I now had about 5 days to find a replacement.
I was scared. I was afraid. I wasn't prepared to make such a purchase. Could I afford it? I had student loans, I was living in a new place, I had a farther commute.
I don't know what happened or how it happened, I think I put a post out on Facebook about my plight. My middle sister (who works part-time at a dealership) calls me. "We have a car here that is really nice. It was just put on the lot. You need to look at it. I will send you the paperwork."
I did all the paperwork. She calls me back, "They are asking about a car loan. Did you co-sign your boyfriend's car? You need to call and talk to them." So I did. I explained that the car in the accident was not the car I had just signed on a loan for. I had to help my boyfriend. He would have done it for me.
That Saturday, we went to the dealership to discuss the car and what the price might be per month. I was cringing. I was so concerned I wouldn't be able to afford it. But I needed a car. Christmas was next week! I walk in and my sister was sitting in the receptionist chair:
"I am so jealous of you! Wait until you hear your car payment!"
There were gentlemen around her. One of them looked up and said, "I got your car payment to under $200. That includes every insurance you can have on a vehicle."
I was shocked. Something I could afford. Something that wouldn't break the bank. And a car that felt like a luxury car to me. OK, so the electric locks don't work on the driver's door. And the CD player went ca-put. But it drives.
I was thinking yesterday about how God must have had a hand in that intervention. I was in a dark hour of despair. I don't recall muttering a prayer for help but I very well may have. But irregardless, He was there when I needed it.
The situation was very odd. My fiancé told me then I should have driven in the left lane. I told him it came from the left so that would have resulted in more damage. My mom tells me it was a force of hand, but that I am fortunate to have found such a great deal. My dad thought I got a good vehicle for the circumstances. The very next day, I was engaged.
I won't ever fully understand why things happen as they do. It isn't my place to understand the phenomenon in life. But acknowledging the significance of that occurrence in my life is a big step for me. It is admitting that whether I acknowledged Him or not, He never stopped looking out for me. If I reflect further back, I can see it throughout my life. I am a very trusting person, which has its place. But I put myself in some dangerous situations. However, I always overcame the obstacles. That's why I can enjoy a thing called, "La Vie."
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