When was the last time you were at the beach? We are coming into the summer months and I am certain this is something favorable on your minds to do this time of year. When you get to the beach, whenever that is, I want you to do something for me. Go to the beach at dawn. Yes, I know it's your vacation. Yes, I realize you may have spent all year getting up after dawn to go to work but trust me...
At dawn, very few people are out to spoil the sights. The sounds of the waves crashing echo singularly in your ears as the seagulls begin to stir. You may see fishing boats or even dolphins in that time. And to see the first light of day kiss the horizon and stretch to the white peaks of the waves is such a calming thing to witness. Also, watch the ebb and flow of the waves.
Tides are brought in by the moon, controlled by the moon. No matter where the tide is, however, ebb and flow is always constant. The same comparison can be drawn to life. No matter where your life is, no matter what stage, financial state or way you measure your life, the ebb and flow is constant. With that comes balance. With balance ultimately comes peace. Peace that can be found in a sunrise. Peace can may be lost when the next wave comes in but can easily be restored.
I struggled for peace internally sometimes. I fear I worry too much, stress too much. I have no control over where Life takes me sometimes and when I do have control, it is limited to how much I can influence. But...I am learning I have control in how to respond to these changes. Truth is, I can worry, fret, stress, cry and boo hoo until the cows come home! However, when my tears dry and my fit ceases, Life and its challenges are still there.
We can try to ignore them or we can cope and face them. We can try to run from it or we can embrace it. Life is like a poker game where someone has gone all-in and you have two choices: to fold or to match the bet. When Life hands you another challenge, will you go all-in and face it full force? Or will you fold and let Life take you where it wills, as a piece of driftwood on the ocean.
Whenever I was last at the beach, several years ago, I was able to see the sun rise. It took my breath away and, for even just a moment, I felt as though everything would be OK. I knew the sun would eventually set on a bad time in Life and rise on a good time. Well, World, the good time is here but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be prepared. Embrace Life, all it gives you and its challenges. It is that from which we draw our experiences and it is that from which we become who we are.
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