Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Evolution of Art

Life changes and evolves.  Unfortunately, we cannot stop this.  It is simply the way the world develops and shifts.  This is evident in both in the changing of our world and our environment.  We see this in the changes that come in animal species in their colors or migration patterns.  But one of the biggest way to see the changes in our world is the examine the art as it exists through time.

Art is one way that presents both the social and physical change of the world.  This can be everything from the representation of who is in power to a society's concept of beauty to the evolution of intellect and technology.  Let us first reflect on the power of society.  Commonly, those in power were one of the few who could afford to sit for hours for a live painting and/or portrait to be taken.  These would often hang in their homes or palaces to signify the wealth and lounging they could afford while the rest of society had to work feverishly for even a few pennies to afford their lodging.  In these paintings, the representation of wealth also changes.  The shifting of wealth can be seen more so when the countries began to push for their expansion.  Furs and jewels changed for silk and spices to gold and silver even to crops and commerce.  When you examine paintings, look at all the clues it contains to have an idea about the social standing of the person in the world and an idea of the wealth they possess.

A society's ever evolving concept of beauty can be examined through the eyes of an artist as well.  While it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, art will reflect the society majority of what is beautiful.  If you study work and focus on the female form alone, this is evident.  It is often said that in times of famine, larger women become beautiful, while in time of plenty, thinner women become idolized.  In the Middle Ages art, women are often depicted as having a rounded belly, the natural curves and a full breast.  Children were sometimes depicted suckling, the woman cautiously smiling at the artist.  Today, through the eyes of media (our art form), women are forever becoming thinner, pressed for more fat to be lost.  Curves are not praised as much as they were in times past.  The clothing in the paintings also portray what is beautiful as it accentuates or displays what is found to be attractive.  These are all clues that you can think about while looking at a painting to find out more about the time period in which it was painted.

Finally, even simply the style of painting can help relay how far society may have progressed intellectually.  Consider the first known drawings, found in the caves of France.  The animals were out of proportion, the human figures are not well-developed and there is not a lot of background.  A simple representation of how their lives were lead.  As our understanding of the world, light and shadow evolved, so did the complexity and realism of the artwork.  Coming into the Renaissance period, the artwork seemed to be of people actually taken in real life, a photograph for that time period.  But even we can over-evolve.  Such movements as this are impressionism, surrealism and cubism, among others.  The art world has taken more leaps with the addition of instantaneous entertainment, such as television and movies.  We have come from the beginnings of live action movies to 2D animated movies to computer generated films and 3D animation.  As our intellect and our technology changes, our art form changes along with it.  Forms of expression and methods of sharing them has changed.

This is just a basic overview on what is evident when you go through an art book.  I invite you to explore the art world with these points in mind.  Remember to reflect on the time period, the concept of beauty, what may have been considered wealth and to look at a painting with renewed eyes.  Most importantly, remember that while you are trying to understand the artist and what was trying to be conveyed art is also meant to be enjoyed.  Take a moment either before your analysis or after to enjoy the light and shadow on the canvas, the light in the subject's eyes and to enjoy the composition that is this piece of art.  After all, what is art unless you can't enjoy what is there?

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